Maximizing Your Google Business Profile for Local Search Success

Maximizing Your Google Business Profile for Local Search Success

Are you looking to boost your business’s visibility in local search results? One effective way to achieve this is by optimizing your Google Business Profile

Update Your Business Information

The first step in this process is to ensure that your business information is accurate, complete, and engaging. By providing essential details such as your address, phone number, category, and attributes, you increase the likelihood of appearing in Google Maps and Search results. Let’s dive into how you can update your business information to enhance your online presence and attract more local customers.

Verify Your Locations

Next, it’s crucial to verify your business locations on Google. This step not only helps Google authenticate the legitimacy of your business but also improves your local search ranking. By following the verification process outlined in your Google Business Profile, you can enhance your online credibility and increase the chances of appearing in local search results. Let’s explore the significance of verifying your business locations and how it can benefit your overall online presence.

Improve Your Local Search Ranking

In the competitive landscape of local search, every advantage counts. Verifying your business locations is a direct way to improve your local search ranking and increase the visibility of your Google Business Profile. Google prioritizes verified businesses in local search results, making it easier for potential customers to find and engage with your business. By verifying your locations, you’re signaling to Google that your business is legitimate and trustworthy, which can lead to higher rankings and more visibility in local searches.

Keep Your Hours Accurate

Consistency is key when it comes to updating your business hours on Google. Whether you’re adjusting your regular hours or announcing special hours for holidays and events, keeping this information accurate is vital for customer convenience and trust. By ensuring that your hours are up-to-date, you help customers plan their visits effectively and demonstrate your commitment to providing reliable service. Let’s delve into the importance of maintaining accurate business hours and how it can impact your online reputation.

Manage and Respond to Reviews

Customer reviews can significantly influence potential customers’ decisions. By actively managing and responding to reviews on your Google Business Profile, you showcase your dedication to customer satisfaction and enhance your business’s credibility. Positive reviews can boost your visibility and attract more customers, making this a critical aspect of optimizing your online presence. Let’s discuss how you can effectively manage and respond to reviews to build trust and establish a positive reputation online.

Add Photos

Visual content is a powerful tool for capturing the attention of potential customers. By adding high-quality photos to your Google Business Profile, you can showcase your products and services in a visually appealing way. This not only helps customers better understand what you offer but also sets you apart from competitors. Regularly updating and adding new photos can enhance your profile’s visibility and engagement. Let’s explore how incorporating captivating photos can elevate your online presence and attract more customers.

Highlight Your Product Selection – If Applicable

If you run a retail business, taking advantage of the option to showcase your in-store products on your Google Business Profile can significantly enhance the shopping experience for potential customers. By offering a glimpse of the products available in your store, you provide valuable information that can influence purchasing decisions. This feature is particularly useful for attracting customers who are looking for specific items and want to see what you offer before visiting your store.

Relevance, Distance, and Prominence

In conclusion, optimizing your Google Business Profile for local area search is essential for increasing your online visibility and attracting more customers. By updating your business information, verifying your locations, keeping your hours accurate, managing and responding to reviews, adding photos, and showcasing in-store products if applicable, you can enhance your online presence and stand out in local search results. Remember that relevance, distance, and prominence are key factors that Google considers when ranking businesses in local searches. By focusing on these aspects and consistently maintaining your profile, you can improve your chances of appearing at the top of search results and attracting local customers to your business. Stay proactive, engage with your audience, and make the most of your Google Business Profile to drive success for your business in the digital landscape.

Need Help?

If you need help managing your Google Business Profile get in touch. We offer a free 30-minute digital marketing consultation.

Digital Marketing Is Like Running The London Marathon

Digital Marketing Is Like Running The London Marathon

Digital Marketing Is Like Running The London Marathon

The London Marathon has been on this weekend. Firstly, I would like to say congratulations to everyone running the London Marathon today., it’s an amazing accomplishment to get to the starting line, let alone the finishing line.

Watching it and hearing about it on the radio over the last couple of days got me thinking about how digital marketing is like running a marathon, so here are my thoughts and comparisons.

🏃‍♂️Marathon runners need to be trainers. They need to train regularly to build their fitness up

💻 You need to spend time learning about digital marketing to get the most out of it.

🏃‍♂️Marathon runners need to be prepared. They have to eat the right foods, make sure they are suitably hydrated, etc.

💻In digital marketing you need to prepare your content. Plan how and when you are going to create it and where you are going to share it. You can wing it for a while but you will fail if you aren’t prepared.

🏃‍♂️Marathon runners need the right equipment. Good quality running shoes, training clothes, food and drink, etc.

💻In digital marketing you need good equipment too. From a laptop / PC to a good smart phone, microphone, camera and then the right apps and software to allow you to produce and publish your content.

🏃‍♂️Most marathon runners are obsessed by their performance. How mong has it taken them? Have they beaten their previous record on this courses? Have they set a new record for their marathon running?

💻In digital marketing you should be obsessed with your analytics. No matter which digital platform, you get shown analytics about your content, how many people have seen it, have they interacted with it, where they are, etc. Everyone doing digital marketing should be looking to get better.

🏃‍♂️Marathon runners get rewarded. Whether it is a fun run or a major event, if you take part you are normally given a medal to show you have taken part.

💻In digital marketing the reward should be a growth in visibility, credibility and hopefully profitability as a result of your digital marketing.

The different types of runner-

🏃‍♂️Elite runners are aiming to break records and are at the front of the pack. They are able to dedicate their whole life to marathon running, it is their business.

💻In digital marketing these are influencers. They spend their whole life online, creating content and making their living from appearances and product placement.

🏃‍♂️Club runners run a number of marathons each year and dedicate a significant portion of their non-work life in training.

💻In Digital Marketing, these are businesses who have outsourced their digital marketing, are big enough to have someone focused on their digital marketing, or have put digital marketing at the heart of their marketing activities.

🏃‍♂️General runners make up the main bulk of the marathon. They are people of all abilities out there running, either for themselves or to raise money for charity. There are people of all abilities and their finishing times will vary tremendously.

💻In digital marketing this is any entrepreneur using digital marketing to promote their business. Some will post content more frequently than others, some are more prepared than others, but they are all able to create content regularly.

🏃‍♂️Fun runners are those runners who run in costume of one sort or another, to get noticed and often to raise money for charity.

💻 In digital marketing, this is when a post that goes viral

If you’re struggling with getting going with your digital marketing, contact us.



Discussing Digital with Karen WIlliams – Transcript

Discussing Digital with Karen WIlliams – Transcript

In this episode of the podcast, Rob Osborne is Discussing Digital with Karen Williams, a book mentor from Libertas, to discuss her journey in the publishing industry and her strategies for successful digital marketing. Karen shares how she found her passion for writing and publishing in 2006 and how her first book in 2009 transformed her business. For the past decade, she has been helping business experts write and publish their own books.

One of the key topics of our discussion is Karen’s use of digital marketing, specifically in the development and promotion of her upcoming book. She explains how she has embraced video marketing, despite not initially enjoying it, by using platforms like Zoom to record, scripting her videos, and establishing a distribution process. Karen believes that video is a crucial aspect of her digital marketing strategy, alongside her website, blog, and email marketing.

🗝️ Key Tips:
1️⃣ Collaborate with experts and outsource tasks to streamline your digital marketing efforts.
2️⃣ Amplify your influence and spread your message far and wide during a book launch.
3️⃣ Prioritize a select few digital marketing channels and master them impeccably.
4️⃣ Test, measure, and track your analytics to fine-tune your strategy for optimal results.

This transcript of Discussing Digital with Karen Williams has been produced using the transcription function of Easy-Peasy.AI

You can find out more about Easy-Peasy-AI here


Transcript of Discussing Digital with Karen Williams

**Rob Osborne**:
Hi and welcome everybody to this edition of Discussing Digital and today I’m talking with Karen Williams, the book mentor from Libertas. Karen, would you like to give a bit more of an
**Karen WIlliams**:
introduction to yourself? Absolutely, thanks for inviting me Rob. So yeah, I’m Karen Williams, I’m the book mentor and my journey started out in 2006 when really fate, difficulty at work prompted me to get my own coach and I found a coach and thought actually I found a job, a career, a business that I’d quite like to run. The first few years were a little bit challenging but everything changed for me when I wrote my first book in 2009 and I would love to say it was easy but it wasn’t and I think if it was easy I probably wouldn’t be doing what I do today. I went through where do I get started? What if it’s no good and how do I get the book published? And it did. 18 months later I was at my book launch, amazing success and it really turned my business on its head and changed it completely and I did say never again after that first one but here we are today. I’m just about to publish a second edition of the fifth book and book number 10, a planner to accompany that book will also be out in September 2023 and really for the last 10 years I’ve supported business experts to write their own books, taking them through the whole process. From idea through to publication, marketing and launch and I love what I do every day.
**Rob Osborne**:
Wow that’s great to have done so much success and be doing something you love. One of the things that I know is a feature in the book you’re about to publish but also has been a feature of what you’ve been doing over the last few months is actually using digital marketing and digital channels not only to promote your book but also at times to kind of help narrow down some of the things in it. So for instance I know you’ve done a I’ve seen and responded to polls about what should I call the book and things like that so I’d really love to kind of spend some of this episode today not just talking about the great way you use digital marketing in general because you do but specifically how you’ve been using it to help develop the book and also how you will be using it to promote the book as it goes live if that’s okay.
**Karen WIlliams**:
Absolutely one of the things I learned when I wrote that first book is one of the coaches I interviewed for it he said choose three ways of marketing your business and do them well and I think these days there’s so many things you can do that we can get overwhelmed and we think oh we need to do everything but actually you don’t but I also believe that once you’ve got three things in place like website blog email marketing you can layer other things into it and I suppose it’s the layering that I’ve been doing most recently in terms of for the book launch itself I’ve been focusing on video marketing so I’ve started doing a video blog on a Friday to take people through my own process as I approach the launch. I started it um gosh where are we now so that was probably the end of June I started it I recorded the first episode now I’m a writer I don’t enjoy videos it can take me two hours to record the five minute video um but it’s really made me up my game and also remember what I’ve done in terms of you know the launch so I’ve been doing things like I’ve been planning an Amazon launch a lot of digital stuff involved with that um setting up my own podcast again there’s a lot of tech I am using someone to help edit it and upload them but I’m doing obviously the recording of that myself um the Amazon launch is going to be a big thing so there’s a lot I’ve been doing around using digital
**Rob Osborne**:
specifically around the book itself okay yeah I mean there’s so much we could pick out just from that section so to start I’m just going to talk a bit more about video because I I mean obviously we’re recording this on video and um my aim is to turn this into a podcast as well and thank you for the introduction to the person that you’re you’re working with so I will be in contact with him there
**Rob Osborne**:
yeah I mean you said it can take you a few hours to do it but is it kind of my life oh I don’t like it but I’ve got to do it or do you kind of once you get into the swing of it and sort of enjoy it because a reason why I’m saying that is I’ve looked at your website obviously I’ll watch some of the videos that you do and you’re using video really well some really interesting stuff you’re doing so I just be interesting to kind of just talk about that a bit more uh to try and encourage some of the businesses that might not like doing video at the moment um however yeah make that bit
**Karen WIlliams**:
up well it’s keeping it simple I use zoom just to record it because it’s just easy um so I just literally set myself up in front of my computer my webcam my microphone and I I do it and I use zoom to record it so really keeping it simple I do script it because I do I like to focus on a bite-sized chunk so for example with the launch I’ve been looking at what themes do I want to cover over the launch because it could be a bit repetitive if I’m saying well I recorded a podcast interview or recorded a video and I did this and I did that so I’ve been trying to pick a theme for each um time I’ve done it so I sit here and I have a script not word by word of course but kind of just an idea of what I want to cover I do practice a couple of times I did one um yesterday for this week and I did it in one take you know sometimes you know if I fluff my words in the first few sentences I might start again but actually it’s authentically me at the end of the day if I fall over my words or you know I say a few ums and ahs or you know which is something I think all of us do it’s okay because that’s me so I I joke and say it takes a long time um normally I do it in one or two takes and I go yeah it’s good enough and I think we before before you press record we talked about you know um done is better than not done I think I remember your phrase but it’s just about doing it really and then one of the things I did is I set up a process so to remind myself of what I need to do each week so I record the video I put the captions on it I upload it to YouTube I put it on my blog and I send it out to my mailing list so they’re the five things I do and I also tell my social media manager that I’ve done it so she can do a social media post so I guess that’s five technical things that I do but because there’s a process now
**Rob Osborne**:
it doesn’t take too long yeah and I think that’s really good that you have established a process to allow you to build it in you put some time aside because that’s the other thing that a lot of people struggle with certainly small business owners they’re busy trying to do uh they’re not trying to do the wrong form they’re delivering their services or producing their their products and then how do I find the time to do this but as you say you’ve got a really good process capture some stuff about what you’ve been doing this week so there’s some content and then you put some time aside to produce it and actually uh distributes that’s a really really good tip uh for
**Karen WIlliams**:
anybody sort of uh that struggles with how to do their digital marketing yeah well well I found that you know episode two I went I can’t remember what I did last week what did I do I better write it down um and I do work with people who support me in the business but actually because I am quite technically minded myself it doesn’t take me long to do it but obviously it’s something that people can outsource as well to people who can do it so much quicker than them um but for me it’s it’s a really good reinforcement by listening back to the video and going okay so what were the key points that need to go in the blog what were you know what is the hook that I can talk about on it on a newsletter so that’s why I generally do it myself is because I can bring all of that together as I do it so literally if it’s a five minute video it takes me hour and a half two hours to actually do everything
**Rob Osborne**:
end to end so I’m just scheduling that into my time no that’s that’s that’s really good um and I think you mentioned in context about how you distribute stuff uh email marketing uh your use of email um I’d like to talk about that a little bit more because I think a lot of businesses don’t really use or like using email it’s a bit like video um but I think it’s a really important part of any digital marketing strategy so could we just talk a little bit more about how you use email uh within your um you know sort of marketing and just a raising awareness of what you’re doing
**Karen WIlliams**:
um I have a lead magnet or a couple of lead magnets on my website so a free download that people can leave their name and email address to get something valuable that’s going to help them in their business so I’ve got 21 questions I’ve got a master class as well um that also leads into other products and services that I offer to people so people like what I do they want to look at more though you know I have got a sales funnel set up I’ve been working for the last few years in conjunction with the marketing expert so he’s been working alongside me to set that up um and I keep saying to myself I’m a writer so it’s easy Rob for me to actually write stuff I’ve always got content that’s never a problem so I can take I can see something I’ve done I go oh that would make this piece of content that piece of content obviously I’ve got 10 books to produce loads and loads of content so that’s not a problem for me um I share case studies I share updates there’s all sorts of things I can do um so it’s not a problem with me and I communicate with my mailing list at least once a week and sometimes more at the moment it’s a little bit more frequent because I’ve got more to say but normally it’s at least once a week and that’s the whole idea and I usually follow that once a week um it’s always at least once a week and i’ve been using email um newsletters since i started out in 2006 so it’s not a new thing for me it’s just it’s just become that consistent habit
**Rob Osborne**:
yeah no and it’s basically it happens that you’re a writer so because that’s another thing people struggle with sometimes or i’ve got to write something um but yeah it’s so it’s it’s but it’s good that again you’re building to have it you should say you try and write to an email at least once a week uh so i think that’s really powerful um you also mentioned uh your lead magnet and the structure of your website uh because i have been through that and i must admit again i think your website’s brilliant really well structured uh i love the fact that you’re 21 questions but you’ve got that great video right on right center straight of your home page uh you and cheryl um so i think that’s really good and i have followed most of the lead magnets and stuff like that um which kind of leads us all nicely to something you talked about uh when we said about is this something you’d like me to talk about and that’s your work you did using chat gpt earlier this year yeah um and i know that’s one of the things to link through to um i haven’t had a chance to look of re watch the whole video yet uh but i will because i know it’s something that one i’m interested in but also obviously a lot of people are interested in knowing about chat gpt because it’s an ai in general because there’s so much of it out there being discussed at the moment so yeah could you give a little bit of a chat about what you’ve been doing and what you’re doing and what you’re doing and what you’re doing
**Karen WIlliams**:
and how you did you’ve used uh ai and chat gpt well i think with anything in business when you have a potential threat or potential opportunity you have to see is it a threat or an opportunity so when i came across chat gpt around about january time i signed up for a couple of webinars with other people and i thought let’s explore it i signed up for chat gpt i pay um the 20 a month so i’ve got access to it as and when i want to and to be fair i use it most days um when i ran my first master class which i can’t remember when it was now but it was earlier this year so beginning part of the year i just wanted to explore could it help me to write a book and it did i use i did an experiment saying write me a book it was a 10 000 words it was okay i would never publish it because it was just the book but actually there’s so many tools so many ways you can use chat gpt or any other ai tool to help you so for example um if you’ve got an idea if sometimes i sit down and go i want to write this email newsletter this is the kind of thing i’m i want to write so i’ll often use chat gpt as a research tool and dump it in there and just see what it comes up with normally it’s a little bit flowery it’s not my voice but it might just give me an idea of how to structure it um so sometimes i can use it like that i’ve used it to help with the updates for book marketing made simple so for example if there’s a chapter i did a new chapter on i’m using it having a street team to help promote the book so i said to chat gpt what needs to go in this chapter so it gave me some ideas so it’s almost a sanity check against what i was writing so there’s a couple of things obviously i’ve ran run some training some of my clients use it with my support it’s never going to be replaced replacement of your voice and your style but use it as a research tool use it to help you use it when you’ve got that blank page syndrome and you know you want to write something but you’ve got no idea where to start that’s when it comes into its own but don’t copy and paste it because it’s not your voice it’s it you know there are lots of red flags around chat gpt as well um but just use it in the best use it however you feel you want to use it i said i use it a lot i’ve been um don’t ask me what it’s called but i was um recommended um a another ai tool that to do podcast notes cast magic i think it was someone recommended it and i’ve been playing around with that this week and so it’s another tool i’m probably going to sign up for because again if it makes it quicker and easier for you you might as well use it
**Rob Osborne**:
yeah okay that’s quite good um you mentioned your podcast uh so this is a good opportunity to give it a little plug i know you said you’re launching it next month so give it a little
**Karen WIlliams**:
now so when i updated book marketing made simple i’ve got various experts who talk about different elements of um marketing books so things from blogging websites uh instagram linkedin um podcasts you know all sorts of things and i contacted the people that contributed to the book and said do you want to be on my podcast so that’s series one it’s called business book bites um it launches early september five five podcasts in five more to record from for the initial series and i’ve got a couple of ideas for two more series so see where the first one goes and i’ve been doing interviews like this for for long a long long time yeah but there is something that happens when you do something that’s named podcast because it kind of puts it in a different different sphere in my mind anyway yeah so it’s been it’s been
**Rob Osborne**:
interesting and i’m still learning about the different things to do with it yeah yes well you said that when we were chatting beforehand you said about that when it’s fine having a chat and then suddenly the word podcast comes in and somebody presses the record button and sometimes your mind just goes
**Karen WIlliams**:
what’s going on yeah but i’m quite a planner so i like to plan them out i like to write the introduction so i know that i’m introducing the person in the in the best possible way i don’t want to wing it um but then when the conversation goes it’s so much more organic you know we we have some ideas of questions from from the guest of what they want to be asked around the topic they’re talking about in the book and then we meander and we go wherever on the podcast itself but it’s always good to have a starting point and knowing what where you want to start with it
**Rob Osborne**:
yeah yeah absolutely and it’s they should say it’s good to have some structure but also that fluidity to go where the um kind of just the direction of the conversation goes you know um yeah but but also one of the things i found learning this is like something oh it’s not that easy to be a chat show host is it because that’s kind of what this is a bit like and sometimes you know um you you realize the skill that you’ve you’ve seen uh of of people that do chat shows here okay not as easy as it doesn’t look sometimes
**Rob Osborne**:
oh brilliant um so um talking about you you’ve said you know we obviously were talking a lot about that your book your relaunch of um book marketing made simple so um when it again we give that a little bit of a plug when is when is that going to be relaunched uh when are you launching your new book when is it due to be uh 28th of september 28th september well that’s that
**Karen WIlliams**:
was firmly booked in your head that burn yeah it was yes we’ve been working towards it so fingers crossed i think we’re all on track for that at the moment i should be getting the proof copy within the next few days um i i decided not just to launch one book because i i think i alluded to earlier i’m launching a marketing planner alongside it yeah so that’s just one of those things um tracy my business manager she when we were talking about the launch and i’ve got a couple of planners i created before a writing planner um and a writing journal and she said are you going to do a planner alongside the book and yeah and it was another another job to add to the list but again it’s about i think the most important thing rob when it comes to anything like this is knowing where you can turn to so for example i’ve got someone who does the design for me i’ve got someone who does kind of some of the marketing stuff although i’m quite technically minded and i like to jump in and do some of this um it’s good to know you’ve got other people there to support you as well you don’t need to know everything so that’s if one piece of advice that people can take from this if some of the stuff i’m saying is a little bit too much you know go to experts like you like there’s a lot of people out there who can support in so many ways and make it easy as
**Rob Osborne**:
possible okay that’s and that’s kind of preemptive one of the things i said i normally ask people when i’m recording this one is a a good tip so i’m happy to take that as your actual one thing to recommend unless you’ve got something else you want to share as one thing to recommend
**Karen WIlliams**:
um i think that’s probably my one thing that would be good um yeah i think if i had to add one more thing it’s just about raising your profile especially when it comes to a book launch you know do what you need to do to raise your profile don’t be afraid of um doing lots of stuff because actually you want your message to get out to as many people as
**Rob Osborne**:
possible so you can have that bonus tip brilliant excellent and if there was one thing to say don’t do that just don’t do it have you got one thing that was put for that as well
**Karen WIlliams**:
um don’t try and do everything um because i you know sometimes i feel like there are we talked earlier about multiple jigsaws and there’s a lot of things going on and they do all link together and they’re all on the same theme they all link together um one thing that i don’t do as much as i should do is i do test and measure but i don’t always track my analytics so for example on social media and i think that’s one of the things that’s dreamt into me is check your analytics one thing i will do as a result of the launch because i’m teaching this and because i’m taking people through my process of course i’m going to have all the figures related to that but i don’t always sit down and actually do those figures as i go and go okay so what’s worked what hasn’t worked i think when i launched my first book i pretty much threw everything marketing-wise at it and something you know something i don’t believe i wouldn’t do without marketing and i’m stuck yeah i think now now i know a little bit more about what sticks and what doesn’t um but yeah it’s always about test measure test measure and then work out what do you need to do more
**Rob Osborne**:
what do you need to do less of as a result yeah absolutely and what’s working well so i’ll do more of it and if that really isn’t working then don’t put too much energy into it go and focus on something else as well i think that’s yeah again brilliant brilliant tips um so that’s great um yeah so um before we wrap up um obviously people may well want to be able to follow what you’ve been doing uh so what’s the best way for them to get in contact with you or to be able
**Karen WIlliams**:
to follow you and then kind of maybe from there follow all your other uh channels as well um best place to go is my website which is and you’ve got all my social media links on there um link to book marketing made simple you can find anything
**Rob Osborne**:
you want to know about me on the website okay fantastic and we’ll put all your links into the description when we post this post the video this on youtube and once i’ve learned more
**Karen WIlliams**:
about podcasting i’ll do the same if i can when i publish this as a podcast yeah you just need
**Rob Osborne**:
some show notes yeah okay that’s cool all right well i just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today um you’ve shared so many great tips about digital marketing um and uh so i i really enjoyed not only watching learning everything that you send and reading everything you send and processing it because you share so much um but i do also like as you said about jigsaw the fact that you have all the bits in the jigsaw going so you’ve got a website you’ve got social media channels you’ve got email you’ve got video and now you’re going to have podcasts as well as well as books because that’s what your actual base business is so you’ve got it all covered um that yeah you i personally as a i just think as a personality you’re brilliant at digital marketing so yeah no it’s really good so thank you so much

Discussing Digital with Hayley Jones – Transcript

Discussing Digital with Hayley Jones – Transcript

In this episode, Hayley Jones, owner of HB Associates, an accountancy firm, shares her digital marketing strategies. Despite being an introvert, Hayley has embraced TikTok as a platform to record videos and has improved her skills with practice. She uses CapCut to edit her videos within the TikTok app. One of her videos has gained tremendous popularity with over 12.5k views.

Hayley’s content planning involves posting three videos per week on TikTok. She ensures that her content varies from informative to fun videos, catering to her audience’s interests. Additionally, LinkedIn plays a significant role in her digital marketing strategy. With about 100 new followers each month, Hayley started generating inquiries around the 7-8 month mark.

Engagement is crucial for Hayley, and she spends time daily commenting and engaging with others’ posts on LinkedIn. While she schedules posts for Facebook, Instagram, and Threads, she prefers to engage more organically on LinkedIn.

Looking forward, Hayley plans to focus more on her website and Google Business Profile, with guidance from her website developers. She also expresses an interest in learning more about email marketing before implementing it into her strategy.

Hayley’s key advice for digital marketing success is consistency within realistic goals. She emphasizes that businesses should not feel pressured to join every new platform but should focus on what works best for their specific business and target audience.

Listeners can connect with Hayley on various platforms, including TikTok (@the_redheaded_accountant), Instagram (@hbassociates_accountants), LinkedIn, and Facebook under HB Associates.

This transcript of Discussing Digital with Hayley Jones has been produced using the transcription function of Easy-Peasy.AI

You can find out more about Easy-Peasy-AI here


Transcript of Discussing Digital with Hayley Jones

**Rob Osborne**:
Hello everybody and welcome to this edition of Discussing Digital and today I’m discussing digital marketing with Hayley Jones who’s an accountant. Hayley would you like to introduce yourself, your business and then just sort of talk a little bit about your digital marketing
**Hayley Jones**:
in general and then we’ll sort of go from there. Yeah so my name is Hayley Jones and I own and run the accountancy firm HB Associates and so we are a bunch of chartered accountants who look after all your compliance taxation needs. In relation to digital marketing I tend to try and really have a presence across every kind of channel but I very much focus on the ones that tend to work more for me. Those tend to be my personal
**Rob Osborne**:
LinkedIn and TikTok seems to be quite responsible too. Oh all right well because I’m fascinated by TikTok at the moment and we were having a bit of a chat beforehand about it so let’s dive straight in with TikTok because obviously everyone knows that TikTok’s a bit about video and content and so let’s talk to start with about the challenges you said you face with recording video but then actually I’m going to
**Hayley Jones**:
encourage everyone to go and look because Hayley’s videos are brilliant. Yeah I mean for me I’m quite an introvert person probably that is a bit stereotypical accountant but I like to think I’m not a stereotypical accountant and so the whole concept of recording myself on film and listening to it back and I’m quite a perfectionist so in the early days when I started doing it I would probably spend hours looking like trying to do a video and editing it deleting it and all this so it’s definitely out of my comfort zone completely but it’s something I think the more you do the more you kind of get a bit better at it and yeah you just kind of go along with it
**Rob Osborne**:
really. Yeah yeah I can resonate perfectly with you about comfort zones and I have a weird thing right so I’m a bit old school right so I’m used to recording videos like we’re going to release here which are in landscape format but the whole switching it to short form and portrait is just a bit of a bit of a enigma to me still at the moment so I’m you’re ahead of me in that getting
**Hayley Jones**:
over that. think it’s trial and error a lot of these things you know you can listen to a lot of videos you can listen to a lot of people and a lot of professionals but when you start doing it yourself you tend to pick up a lot more. One of the things that I came across was CapCut with TikTok
**Rob Osborne**:
and that’s a really good tool as well to use within that and it’s free as well which is good.
**Hayley Jones**:
And you found it quite easy to use? Relatively I think if you find like a template or something in TikTok already and then you click on the link and then do it that way it’s a lot easier sometimes when you go in the app itself I find it a bit more clunky to find like what maybe I want but yeah
**Rob Osborne**:
that tends to work for me. Okay well that’s good that’s good good tips I’m gonna go away and play with. I’m going to talk a little bit more about the content that you generate because you did say
**Rob Osborne**:
have a content plan to of a certain extent and you found it so you found a way of knowing in advance
**Hayley Jones**:
what you want to do? Kind of yes I mean I wouldn’t go as far as calling it a content plan I think that’s a bit ambitious but I tend to think of it kind of the week before and I kind of set myself a realistic target of what I can realistically post each week and the time I have to do that content and things like that and for me it was I would do three posts on say Facebook, Instagram and Threads although I’m very on the fence with Threads and they tend to be the same sort of posts purely because I know those channels don’t really get me much into reaction they get me a little but not to the extent of the other channel so it’s really just there for a bit of a present and then I wanted to really push this year getting more involved on TikTok and driving that a lot more being in the chat room and I think that’s a really good point I think that’s a really good point in the industry I am it can be really perceived as quite a boring topic to discuss so it’s quite sometimes challenging to make that more fun and people to interact with so that’s kind of one of the challenges I have with TikTok but my aim is to really post three videos a week across kind of the week so that could be anything from something really informative to something maybe that’s come up in the news or just maybe mocking us as a stereotypical account since half the time but yeah just to have a bit of fun with it as well and get people engaged
**Rob Osborne**:
yeah well I think that’s really good so you’ve got six ever target and you are finding time because obviously you’re an accountant just we’re recording this early in February so you’ve just been through the the tax return deadline but you still managed to kind of keep producing that content even when you were snowed under with new clients and clients going got to get this in by the end of January and all that sort of thing so I think that’s that’s that that’s a really good
**Hayley Jones**:
that’s um credit to you to to be able to in that sense it’s bulk planning so with the videos I try and now record in a bulk setting so that then I’ve got say three videos sat there in drafts ready to go and edited um with the posts I put out there you know scheduled for the week ahead that takes up a lot of pressure the only one that I would say I don’t schedule is me personally on LinkedIn because a lot of people follow me on LinkedIn because they like me as a person and I tend to kind of share maybe work stuff but also other other stuff that might be I’m doing in the week so for example I had a meeting up in um Claridge’s I uh I go to the gym and I’m showing that progress you know and different things that happen and um that tends to be a little bit more well it’s definitely not structured but I tend to post every day really on my own personal page
**Rob Osborne**:
yeah yeah I’m I think there’s nothing wrong with that I mean I I always encourage here’s a you know a stock of things that you can go to or you pre-plan at the beginning of the week we record in bulk and then you layer that personal level on the channels that work to kind of give you that personal feel as well I think that’s a a really good mix of the the batch stuff and and the this
**Hayley Jones**:
is what we’re doing and in the now type thing I think a lot of people think you know you can’t recycle material as well um and there’s certain things you know I do like a snippet on a TikTok video that actually would then work for you and then you can go and do that and then you can do that really well in an Instagram reel so at some point then I filter that information earlier and over so it it takes off a bit of pressure as well because you know or feel like a full-time job yeah
**Rob Osborne**:
yeah um but I think I think that’s really really good about how you how you sort of talked about that um and one of the things I did ask you uh sort of in the pre-planning was what’s your best post and you do say you’ve got this uh a TikTok uh real uh video with over 12 and a half thousand
**Hayley Jones**:
um and uh interaction which I think is great yeah it’s really funny how that kind of works because um you know like I say being a perfectionist at heart you know you sit there you edit your videos you take the time and do it you know I’ve recorded two today and that probably took me somewhere between half an hour 45 minutes to do two videos and that video in question I literally sat in this chair um at the beginning of January having to do all the stuff I need to as an accountant in January like that and to uh HMRC legislation sat behind me in relation to side hustle tax and that just
**Rob Osborne**:
rolled for like two days and I was going viral on that for two days which was just mad but it’s brilliant though I mean it’s just something something just clicked in the moment sort of
**Hayley Jones**:
thing you know um and then um I’ve gone back to like 200 view Jail so I’m waiting for the next
**Rob Osborne**:
thing to kind of send me again oh I’m sure I’m sure it will happen and when it does shout about it on all the other channels so we can all go and have a look uh that’s really good so obviously we talked quite a lot about Tick Tock there uh and you said your other main channel that that works really well for you is is LinkedIn I know we touched about it a little bit on your personal personal side of things but um you know sort of say a bit more about how your how LinkedIn’s working for you because I know you said you actually said you’ve got some really good growth
**Hayley Jones**:
stats and it’s starting to actually generate business for you as well as just being um so when I was at the agency firm it was back in January 23 um and I’ve never well I hadn’t got a LinkedIn profile set up they encouraged you all those years back in uni to set one up but I think I did it at uni and then deleted it so I never had one um so it was really starting from scratch back then and getting myself out there you know showing what HB Associates could do and then it just really kind of materialized from there and I’ve gained roughly about 100 followers a month on my personal LinkedIn page and I would say probably around the seven month eight month mark was when I then started generating um inquiries through LinkedIn and then building meetings from there so it’s been
**Rob Osborne**:
a really useful tool that’s that that’s really good and is all that on the back of um just just
**Hayley Jones**:
posting and making comments on posts or do you use the messaging side of it as well a bit of everything so some of those connections were um through people like me who are working in the field I’ve met face-to-face networking where I’ve done you know in the early days I was in every single event you could think of um a lot of them was then built on word of mouth I get such a lot through word of mouth which I’m really really you know fortunate for and grateful um and then I got a lot of other kind of accountancy professions start following me and then naturally I think their followers then filter in as well so I get a real mixed bag of people following me on a weekly
**Rob Osborne**:
basis that’s good as well and and as part of did you do any did you put any aside time aside every day to kind of just
**Hayley Jones**:
do a little bit of commenting and liking or anything like that or is it ad hoc I think we live in such a world where everything is so instant with social media so if you’re anything like me I’ve got it all through my phone so that’s constantly there if it flashes up and you know I’ve seen it then I’ll comment underneath it I think one of the key things I would say is if you know it’s all well and good spending the time and effort doing social media posts but if you haven’t got the time to communicate and you know bounce off of people that are commenting on sharing your stuff it’s almost redundant and it’s that
**Rob Osborne**:
yeah having that time to be able to do that well excuse me so do you make a lot of use of the the
**Hayley Jones**:
notification features on on LinkedIn definitely um my like you could be flitting from one thing to the other I mean I’m sat here now talking to you but on my screen is my LinkedIn screen chat set up where people have popped up to speak to me. so it’s really helpful off this call and then if that wasn’t there I would
**Rob Osborne**:
probably have forgotten about it without yeah I know exactly what you mean those little red circles with the white
**Rob Osborne**:
there comes a time when you go shut it all down so I can do some work
**Hayley Jones**:
yeah and that is key as well it’s it’s one of the things I learn um really I think from Steve O’Neill and his clear training is blocking out time and that becomes really really important because things like social media can be such a background noise whilst it’s good it’s not artwork it’s not my main job so it’s actually having that time to say no these hours are solely focused on this rather than replying to this message this that and the other so having the balance between the two
**Rob Osborne**:
yeah yeah I know exactly what you mean I’ve deliberately blocked my calendar out this is it’s time I’m working on my business is where I’m working on client business this is time for where I’m just browsing or learning that sort of thing so um I’ll do my best to stick to that don’t always but you know
**Hayley Jones**:
Steve would be very proud I’ve color-coded my calendar this morning it’s really helpful to me
**Rob Osborne**:
oh it’s amazing what works I have to say mine’s mine’s that’s one of the things I’ve always been quite good at um thank you right from back when I used to do project management and I’ll be running multiple projects so they all had different colors just so I could work out
**Hayley Jones**:
I’m quite a digital person so that helps me a lot
**Rob Osborne**:
yeah yeah I know I know exactly what you mean obviously we talked about social media and things like so what plans do you have uh going forwards on on other elements of your digital marketing so for instance we haven’t really talked to you haven’t really mentioned email
**Hayley Jones**:
marketing or sort of website development yeah I think for me email marketing I don’t understand it enough so it’s one of those kind of nemesis in in a room um that I probably haven’t looked to look into I worry about GDPR and things like that so um for me my focus this year really is a to continue with the LinkedIn side and the TikTok side but also to then move my attention more to my website um I’ve done some good things from there so far I’ve you know been generating inquiries through there but I just want to take that a bit to the next level and I’m going to try to as well i tend to kind of really do a review process like every kind of like three six months and then whatever’s gone on or then you know build on that and move forward so i’m not saying i’ll never do in um email marketing but i’m an accountant if i don’t understand it i’ll feel a bit uncomfortable with it yeah yeah yeah i need to really like understand it a bit more before i
**Rob Osborne**:
consider it yeah yeah and that goes back to again you’re saying you’re you’re a perfectionist but the thing is you’ve got a lot of things already working for you so it’s actually just sort of making you know when you’re ready to put that into into the mix um and things like that so um yeah
**Hayley Jones**:
have you got a do you use much of use of um the google business profile as well just yes i do and i’ve just had a chat with the people that are helping me with my website and they give me some really good pointers on there what i need to do to bring that more up to date um so i’ve got kind of some homework to do in the next month and i like that we have kind of a bit of like a monthly chat or monthly kind of touch point because it makes me accountable yeah and when you’re running a business you wear so many different hats and it’s very easy to let something slide so for me i now know by the time that next month comes around a report i need to have done these things that
**Rob Osborne**:
she’s given me on the tick list to go through um now i haven’t done my homework yeah no i think that’s really good so as you say you’ve got that accountability you’ve got a bit of a plan and you’ve got a longer term thing so yeah yeah no that’s what that’s really good i think again that’s a really important thing so you’ve got a digital marketing effectively you’ve got a digital marketing strategy in place even though it’s something short term something longer term doesn’t feel like it but if you say so yeah no also well you know you’ve got a vision that’s that’s that’s all sort of like what a lot of it is about um it’s been like you know all marketing it’s important to have some sort of goals and direction of travel as well so that’s cool thank you um just conscious of time so um as uh i sort of gave you a heads up i i ask all of my guests if they can give two tips one is something that’s really good work for you and other people should try doing this and one is don’t do that it’s really really not a good thing to do so let’s start with a good thing so what’s what’s your
**Hayley Jones**:
piece of good advice to anybody that’s watching or listening i think it’s just consistency uh but for me i knew it wasn’t realistic to post every single day on every single channel i knew i would never have the time capacity to do that i would never have the time capacity to do that i maybe in the early days but definitely not something i could sustain for the future so it was about creating something that i knew was realistic and was sustainable and i think if you can be consistent in that approach you’ll then start generating and seeing results and
**Rob Osborne**:
the more active you are with people the better the better better it is yeah that’s absolutely right i think you know consistency is such a big part of it and what about the don’t do this what’s your what’s your don’t do this tip
**Hayley Jones**:
um i think there’s so many people nowadays that are experts in so many different things and they’re telling us you should do this you should do that and it becomes a lot of white noise to oh gosh i must jump on that bandwagon when when threads came around it was this massive thing you know jump on it it’s going to be great it’s going to be amazing if i’m honest i don’t think it’s that great or amazing and no i i think i think that was a complete damp squib in the end completely and again it just proves the hype that people kind of have with these sort of things um so my my tip is you know work out what channels work for you just because your competitor is maybe now got an instagram or they’ve got a facebook and they’re going look at me i’ve got all these followers that might work for them but it might not work for you so what’s the point in trying to compete with someone just to save a bit of space if you like on on that side when actually you’re you need to focus your attention and channels into the channel that does work for you and i think that’s really crucial
**Rob Osborne**:
knowing what works for you and your business yeah absolutely absolutely it’s so easy isn’t it oh look there’s a new shiny thing over there yeah no i think i think that’s really really really good advice um so finally um if people one if people want to get in contact with you because they need an accountant or if they just want to kind of be able to follow you um on on um any of your digital platforms and i should say all the links will be shared uh in the show notes but what’s the best
**Hayley Jones**:
way to sort of get in contact with you um so again depending what channels you use the most as a user we are on instagram facebook spread linkedin and tiktok so for instagram threads and facebook and linkedin business it’s hb associates underscore accountants for tiktok it’s the redheaded accountant which is obviously myself and for
**Rob Osborne**:
my personal linkedin it’s hayley jones with the ginger emoji as well i have to say i love the
**Rob Osborne**:
title i think it’s a great title great handle so brilliant um it’s just sort of uh for me to say thank you very much for for uh taking the time to be on uh our show today really enjoyed chatting with you um and i’ve shared you know if you and thank you for sharing all the hints and tips
**Hayley Jones**:
uh that you’ve uh have shared with us about digital marketing well thank you very much for having me it’s been good

Discussing Digital with Naomi Stonier – Podcast Transcript

Discussing Digital with Naomi Stonier – Podcast Transcript

In this episode, we dive into the world of organic digital marketing with marriage coach Naomi Stonier. Naomi shares her unique approach to building relationships and connecting with her audience through social media.

Naomi reveals her daily content strategy on Facebook and LinkedIn, where she shares stories and insights about relationships. She explains why she moved away from batching content and now focuses on writing one personalized post per day using a problem-solution-process-result formula. By anonymously sharing content ideas from her client sessions, Naomi ensures that her posts are relevant and valuable to her audience.

One of the key strategies Naomi uses is going live on social media after her client sessions. She discusses various topics and makes offers in just 5-10 minutes. While engagement isn’t her main goal, she has seen how live videos boost her reach in algorithms. Naomi emphasizes the importance of connecting genuinely with her audience, rather than obsessing over numbers.

Authenticity is a crucial aspect of Naomi’s digital marketing approach. She shares photos of herself and her family instead of using stock images, which helps to build trust with her audience. Naomi also explains why she stopped creating graphics, finding them to be too time-consuming.

As her business continues to grow, Naomi plans to outsource more platforms, but for now she focuses on Facebook and LinkedIn, where she gets most of her business through networking connections. She also emphasizes the importance of repurposing content across platforms and pitches, which saves her significant time and helps her move people from social media to her email list and future online programs.

Throughout the episode, Naomi highlights the importance of adapting and experimenting with different strategies to achieve the best results. She firmly believes in taking an organic, authentic, and capacity-focused approach to digital marketing, centered around genuine human connection.

This transcript of Discussing Digital with Noami Stonier has been produced using the transcription function of Easy-Peasy.AI

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Transcript of Discussing Digital with Naomi Stonier

**Rob Osborne**:
Hi everybody and welcome to this edition of Discussing Digital. Today I’m discussing digital marketing with Naomi Stonier. Naomi is a marriage counsellor. So Naomi, can you tell us all a bit more about what you do and then how you use digital marketing to promote your business?

**Naomi Stonier**:
I absolutely can Rob, so thank you so much for having me on. My name’s Naomi Stonier and I am in fact a life coach for marriage. And so I work with people, I don’t work with couples, I work with people on an individual basis, teaching them the skills that your parents didn’t model for you that make marriage a hell of a lot easier and happier and healthier. And so how I use digital marketing is I’m on socials all day long, sharing what I do. I’m telling stories all day long about relationships and what you can do to make them a lot easier.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah, I know. One of the good things, obviously we know each other through networking, but one of the good things is seeing each other’s content and you post every day, which is really good. And you don’t seem to repeat yourself, although it’s a similar theme. So it’d be interesting to discuss a little bit about how do you come up with your content ideas? Because some of it relates back to your own experiences and others are kind of new.

**Naomi Stonier**:
Yeah, well, so for me, it’s an approach, called organic marketing, which you and I both know, which means I am organically one person at a time connecting with people on socials and growing my audience. I’m not paying for any traffic, any advertising, and I’m just organically networking on socials. And what I am doing, for me, everything I do is about service. So this is my approach. Everything I do is about service. And giving value. So when I help you, when I give you value, and I really help you in your relationship, it creates that know, like, and trust. And if I help you enough, you’re going to think, wow, if just interacting with her on socials is enough, it’s helping me this way, what must it be like to work with her? So you talk about my content. Well, I’m just telling stories. I’m telling my clients’ stories and my stories about the everyday experiences that we have in our relationships. And, you know, there’s a lot to write about.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah, yeah, I know what you mean. So do you actually have almost like a planned set of stories that you’re going to be doing? Or is it kind of every day, what story am I going to create and then just doing it when you think I need to put some content out there?

**Naomi Stonier**:
So I’ve tried lots of different methods. Rob, and I have, you know, had, it’s been, I’m in my fourth year of business. And this is not something that I learned overnight. So first of all, you know, I was putting stuff out all the time. I don’t, so what I do right now is I wrote, I write a post every day. So that is what works for me. I’ve tried batching contents. I’ve tried all the, the plans. I’ve tried platforms where you batch a month’s worth of contents. But for me, that didn’t work because of the way I write content, because I am writing a story about a relationship. So it will be a relationship. I’m working in a formula called problem, solution, process, result. So the problem in your relationship, the solution, my process, and then the result that will create you. And, and, and so what I have found work for me is to write one post every day. And that way it’s a fresh inspiring to me content. When I batched it, when I used to write 20 posts in a go and batch them for the month, it got very formulaic. Cause I was just like, oh, just got to get this out. I’ve just got to get to my 20 so I can, I can batch this programming all in and forget about it. And that didn’t work for me. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. And I think that’s really important that you recognize that, that it wasn’t, it wasn’t working for you and you were losing that personal touch. Cause obviously some of that was, you know, sort of your very specialist market and it’s all about your experience and things like that. So actually being able to kind of lose some of that in your content, wouldn’t be good. I’m guessing. I think it sort of came across as being a bit for one of a better term. It didn’t work. It didn’t work.

**Naomi Stonier**:
And so for me, I am prioritizing connecting with you like genuine connection. I want to connect with you. I want to tell you a story. I want to help you. And I am doing that in, you know, what I actually learned to do, Rob is I, I spent a lot of time on socials. When I first started, I felt like a drop in the ocean. No one cares. No one’s watching. This isn’t work. King. I felt awful. And I actually had to step away from socials and I went off networking and I met real people and I started signing clients. And then I was able to, you know, then I really was a coach. And also I was being fed from the connection of real people. And what I learned was to take that experience that have a networking and bring it back onto social. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
No, I think that works really well as well. Yeah. And I mean, one of the other things about your, your, your content as well is that actually you’re not using stock image photographs, all the photos, all the pictures of you or of you or your husband or your family, you know? So with those, do you deliberately go out and, and kind of stage them or are they actually, well, this is a picture of my husband alive from my holiday or something like that.

**Naomi Stonier**:
Yeah. I, I, you know, it took courage. It’s taken courage to sort of get out there, share my story, my story about my marriage problems and, you know, share, listen, I never thought I could do this, but I did it. And so I, I believe very deeply in what I do and I’ve got my husband’s, my husband’s on board with what I do. He thinks it’s important to share this and I’m just all about stopping the scroll, Rob. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:

**Naomi Stonier**:
And so, I mean, I fell down the rabbit hole of graphics and, you know, hours in Canva creating graphics and it’s awful. I hated it. I would like, again, batch 25 graphics and they had to be perfect and they had to be right. And if I got the color right, that was going to create a client for me. I’ve let go of all of that. The quickest thing to do is take, take a photo of my face and plonk it on there because we know the algorithm. We know it works more likely to stop the scroll. And it’s also the quickest thing I can, I can do to get to the people who need my help. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. Well, I think that works, works really, really well. And it’s good that you’ve, you’ve been through those experiments. You found out what works, develop that formula and then kind of you’re, you’re following it, which I think is really, really good advice because it just shows that you are looking at what’s working, what’s not, and you’re being able to call upon your experience to create your content, which is, which is brilliant. It’s been trial and error, trial,

**Naomi Stonier**:
and I’ve, I’ve, I’ve had to, you know, navigate that experience of trial and error to get here. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. But I think it’s important to do it. You stuck with it, but also you haven’t just plowed on. You’ve looked at what’s worked and what hasn’t and, and, and gone with what works and do more of that and stop doing the other stuff, which is great. You kind of, you know, in your comments, you, you, you’re working very much on social media. It’s mainly on two at the moment. You’re on Facebook and LinkedIn. You pretend one. So two questions related to that, really. Are there any particular reasons why you’re not trying any of the other platforms as well? And secondly, which will be the interesting question is, is there any, well, are there any difference in clients that you’re protecting landing? And also, are you getting different results across the tape? So there’s a few things there, but yeah,

**Naomi Stonier**:
yeah, yeah. Well, what I have always been taught and what I have learned is that, that there is no magic. There’s no sort of secret formula here that, that hits all the boxes. Like all of these platforms are massive. Okay. And all of these platforms can create infinite business for all of us. Right. There’s no, there’s no secret here. It’s just, you go to the platform that is, you know, resonates for you the most and work it. And so, I was just, I’m of that age where Facebook was the platform that I was on. So I just went on Facebook. And then once I got into our networking group, I then moved on to LinkedIn because, because, you know, Facebook is so enormous and I wasn’t signing any clients on Facebook. And so I thought, okay, LinkedIn, because my whole network that I’m networking with is on LinkedIn. But actually now that I’ve, you know, gone through the trial, trial and error that I’ve gone through and I’ll just get on for the love of it. And I share for the love of it. I do sign clients through Facebook as well, but because I’m organic marketing, because I don’t pay anyone to do this, I do it all myself. I’m not going to go on every platform. I’m very strong on one or two. I mean, I’m probably mostly on, I get most business out of LinkedIn. I’m mostly on LinkedIn now because it really goes well with my networking. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I think that’s really, again, it’s good advice really. You know, here are the, you know, I’m just doing these two platforms. I’m comfortable with them. They’re working. Um, why do anything else? You know, cause then,

**Naomi Stonier**:
you know what, once I get to a certain income, I’ll be paying someone like you, Rob, to, to get me out on all platforms. But until then it’s just, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
We had this conversation when we caught up a couple of weeks ago. Yeah. It’s really good to be sensible, know what your capacity is and know what’s working for you. So I think that’s that again,

**Naomi Stonier**:
a few things very well, not all of it.

**Rob Osborne**:

**Naomi Stonier**:
Not very well. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. But a lot of the posts we’ve talked about are kind of, you know, static post picture and, and, um, text, but you’ve been doing video, particularly you’ve been doing quite a lot of live video as well. So, so how have you found that?

**Naomi Stonier**:
Yeah. I mean, I’ve always done it. I went from, from those first early days, like so nervous. Um, and just, I’m now, you know, I just got the reps in Rob and I just would just show up, talk about something. I’ve done it enough that now what happens is I get off a client session and then I’ll just share what we worked on in that session. All anonymously. Of course, I protect my client’s identity, but I will just share, listen, are you dealing with this? Um, and here’s how I, here’s how I’ll help you. You’re with it and make an offer. It’s very quick. It’s a very, you know, in five, 10 minutes, I’m done. Yeah. And it’s quicker than writing a post. I mean, where I want to get to, I mean, my posts are all long story posts and there’s a great argument to be made for, you know, you need to be making shorter, snappier content for now. Those story posts work, but I definitely want to get to, you know, a live, a story post, a short post with graphics. Yeah. And me mixing that content up, but you know, Facebook loves lives. So it bumps me up the algorithm. So even if nobody watches that live one, it bumps me up the algorithm. And two, you, I go past in the feed and it just creates this persona of I’m, I’m there in front of you. It’s that touch point. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. But, but even if so, I should say, even if somebody isn’t watching it live, it’s still there on your feed. So if I come back, come back to it, they can watch it at a later date. So, you know, and that’s one of the things that sometimes you get a bit hung up with. Some people get hung up with, oh, I’m doing a live, but actually there is no live audience at the moment. You almost think, oh, should I do it? Should I stop? But actually just keep going because you never know when somebody’s going to come, come back to that content.

**Naomi Stonier**:
I have really, this is the other real, real piece of success I’ve had, Rob, is I have had to go on a journey to completely let go. Of the kind of response I get. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:

**Naomi Stonier**:
know, the, the, how much engagement you get really is not related to how much business you make. Yeah. There are so many people silently consuming your content. And when we talk about touch points, I mean, like I hear it bandied around all the time. Like the latest one I heard is people need 40 touch points before they buy from you. But that touch point does not need to be, they sit through the whole life. They make a comment that they just, a touch point is they just see me go past their feed. It’s enough for them to go, oh, look, there she is again. There she is again. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:

**Naomi Stonier**:
I have completely let go of the, of the engagement. And it, you know, back in the early days, it was like I had a Facebook group that I could not grow. I worked in it like a full-time job and it didn’t grow. And I was in so much pain about it. And I was so attached to the number in this group. Yeah. That’s all gone. And it’s so much easier to just show up, share, share, share. You know, I believe so deeply in what I’m doing. I’m just shouting it from the rooftops. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. It’s interesting you saying about Facebook groups. On a previous edition, I recorded earlier this year with a business coach, a guy called Ian Dixon. He’d spent a lot of time building a big Facebook group because a couple of, three or four years ago, Facebook was kind of really trying to drive out, build a community, build a group. But he was saying, it is really, really hard to keep anything like that going because you’ve got to put loads of stuff into it. And unless you’ve got rabid fans who are posting stuff as well, it is, it is a nightmare. Yeah.

**Naomi Stonier**:
And it’s borrowed real estate. You don’t own any of it. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:

**Naomi Stonier**:
It’s all their platform. It’s all their, they’re boosting them, not us. It’s, you know, they get, they’re getting so much out of it. I mean, what I do see is very successful is pop-up groups. Yeah. So I see people, they’re launching a program. They do a week pop-up group to warm you up, to then sell to you into their program. They are very successful. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Groups. Yeah. I agree.

**Rob Osborne**:
I love that term as a pop-up group. I hadn’t thought of it. I’m going to use that now.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. My, my, my community is big on pop-up groups. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. Well, it makes sense, doesn’t it? Yeah. And, and, and as you, I mean, the other thing to go, to go back around content and growing your business. I mean, one of the other things that we chatted about before is, is you are very clear and very, you know, you have a clear understanding of your capacity and how your business runs. You, you, you know, you can work with X clients at a time. So therefore, you know, you’ve got a very good idea about how to, you know, how big your funnel is and how you feel, feel it. So, which I think is another, although it’s not directly about that, but digital marketing, it’s a clear part of it because actually, again, you, you know what you need. Yeah. And so you know how, and you’ve now developed your content and your process to, to really help keep that full.

**Naomi Stonier**:
Yeah. And it, you know, for me, it really is meeting one person at a time. One person, you know, I’m going to talk to one person, then the next person. And when you break it down like that, socials becomes a much easier experience. Yeah. It’s just one person at a time. That’s it. Yeah. And you just, connecting with one person, one person, one person, and then you don’t need hundreds. Yes.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. Yeah.

**Naomi Stonier**:
And also the big, you know, some of the biggest, I see people with big following, you know, people earning, that I know are earning millions and they’ve got 10 likes on a post. Yeah. You know, it doesn’t correlate. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. But it’s good to, you know, that’s a, that’s a, you know, again, there’s that thing about, I’ve got to chase the numbers sometimes. Yeah. And it’s really good. You’ve got, beyond that, you’ve gone through that and realised that actually those numbers are nice, but they’re not important really. It’s all about, this is what I need. This is the process that works. And it’s filling. And also,

**Naomi Stonier**:
we want to be using socials to funnel people onto our email lists. Yeah. Using socials to funnel people off socials into our, you know, it’s all about, I am going to be using socials to, you know, at the moment it works for me, my model to sign a client. But as I say, on a scale, it will be, I will be harvesting email lists and getting, talking to them off socials.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. Yeah. And this is something we were talking about, again, when we had that chat last week or so, that you’ve got a vision and a strategy of where your digital marketing and, and your use of digital is going to go as well, isn’t it? You know, from, from startups with, you know, putting a lead magnet in place and email marketing, which you’re working on at the moment through to potentially having a, a learning platform in the future as well. So I think that’s quite exciting. And you’ve got that sort of model in place and,

**Naomi Stonier**:
you know,

**Rob Osborne**:
direction of travel strategy. What are you,

**Naomi Stonier**:
what are you doing around SEO Rob? Because you mentioned that something you’re going into now. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
So, so again, that, you know, that that’s, it’s a big part thing. I’m interested in this content and, and actually SEO, a lot of SEO is driven by content because it’s all about, you know, one of the things that Google is all about is presenting the right websites when you ask a question. And so, you know, following things like the, the, the, they asked you answer kind of strategy. I’ve forgotten the guy’s name who wrote the book. But that’s basically what the idea is. You put lots of content on that’s answering the sort of questions that people are likely to be typing into Google. And therefore Google will present that, you know, if you’ve got that content there, then, you know,

**Naomi Stonier**:
you can check it out. So,

**Rob Osborne**:

**Naomi Stonier**:
you know, in the future, can I be taking the posts I’m putting on socials and repurposing them, putting them in a blog in my website? Absolutely. Absolutely.

**Rob Osborne**:
And because you’ve got good stories already, you know, they’re, they’re kind of keywords rich for the sort of thing that you’re likely to be, people are likely to be searching for you for. And so, yeah, you know, it’s, that’s a great way. And, and that’s another thing that I encourage is actually how can you repurpose content? Because for small business, you know, for small business owners in particular, but it works across all sizes actually goes back to the whole thing. We started off with talking about how to get your ideas for your content and how do you create it and how do you get the time for it? Being able to repurpose content and use it in more than one place is a massive time saver. That’s what I do. Yeah.

**Naomi Stonier**:
I repurpose it everywhere. You know, so I’ll, I’ll talk about it in my networking pitch. It’ll get same post is on LinkedIn and Facebook. I’ll talk about it in a live. It’s all the same piece of content. Yeah. Again, Rob, that has saved me a huge amount of time. And now just have, I’m writing one thing a day and creating sort of four pieces of content out of it. And that’s, you know, I had to practice, but that’s now a very quick process. Yes.

**Rob Osborne**:
And that’s, yeah, yeah. And I think that’s, again, another great thing. I know we took, you know, you said you do, you found batching didn’t work, but actually batching works really well for me. And that’s what I do. But I do, I have lots of, I actually have, I, I think of them as layers or I like you’re playing Tetris. So I’ve got a foundation layer, which is something that goes out every day. And then I’ve got a testimonial Tuesday. So I put a testimonial out on a Tuesday. I’ve got around the office on a Monday. So to start people off, people getting to feel a bit about me because it’s not just a Magnolia wall office. I’ve got a lot of personal touches. I do a couple of polls a week and things like that, as well as posts about my services. Yeah.

**Naomi Stonier**:
So that’s how you batch it. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:

**Naomi Stonier**:
So I would love to learn how to batch.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, interestingly enough, it’s, it’s something I’m looking to set up. One, I’ve got a five day challenge about doing the foundation work. And then I’m looking to actually develop that into a program of actually delivery of talking about how to develop those different, those extra layers called conquering your content.

**Rob Osborne**:
So that’s my strength. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
That’s his working title that I’m getting towards. So, yeah, it’s a, it’s a, yeah, it’s okay. But, but that’s something that really appeals to me. Yeah. I’ve got a really good idea. I want to do a podcast. Again, it’s great content. It’s not too bad. So, uh, produce, it’s very interesting, you know? Yeah.

**Naomi Stonier**:
And then you could write a post about the podcast. I mean, you know, I, my lives, I go through stream yards and I, they automatically go onto YouTube. So I have a library of lives that will, can be turned into podcasts. Yeah.

**Rob Osborne**:
Yeah. Finally, if I was going to come back to you about earlier, we’ll talk about lives. I’m going to ask if you use stream yard or if you use the native one. So it’s good to know you use. I mean,

**Naomi Stonier**:
i mean yeah i’ve been told that the the bet the best for the algorithm is going direct on facebook

**Rob Osborne**:
but stream yard is a is a you know good second yeah yeah most and a lot of people people use it and there’s one of those balancing acts isn’t it it’s like how big a difference does it really make um and and i’m a full believer is done is better than perfect so actually if it’s you know if it saves you a bit of time to do a live on stream yard that you can go across facebook linkedin and onto your youtube channel the fact that it might have a slightly less positive impact on the on on each of those platforms algorithms is more than balanced out by the fact you’re actually

**Naomi Stonier**:
putting content out live on three platforms what is your thoughts about posting more than once a

**Rob Osborne**:
day on linkedin um i do it as much as i can right and i i think it’s for me it’s more to do with visibility and credibility all right now whether or not it truly drives the algorithm and there’s loads of stuff out there um i don’t know but for me um i i think the more frequently you post the more likely are you are people are going to see you and even if they don’t see you at the time they

**Naomi Stonier**:
can still see that you’re very very busy and very active you know what i have heard is that linkedin penalizes you for posting more than once a day so if you look at the the analytics your second post your post will the first post will stop that it will stop reaching

**Rob Osborne**:
and it moves on to the second post i mean there’s anecdotal evidence that might happen sometimes but also there’s whole rafts of anecdotal evidence that different types of posts have different reach and it keeps changing so you know this you know i i’ve seen posts that you know this week’s flavor or flavor of the week and i’ve seen posts that have different reach and it keeps changing and it keeps changing so you know this you know this week’s flavor or flavor of the month this month is just text only posts and then flavor of the month next month could be posting a document or you know and then the flavor of the month the one after that is video so basically what it’s all about linkedin is constantly experimenting with linkedin it was all platforms what the algorithm is all about is trying to put the right content in front of people that keeps them hooked and interested and it really just depends on what people um are responding to and what they’re reacting to so actually there might be situations where if you’re putting lots of posts out but

**Naomi Stonier**:
none of them are interesting and nobody’s reacting to them then you might get downgraded none of them

**Rob Osborne**:
will do well yeah you know so so so it’s it’s a weird thing but that’s what the algorithms are all about really they’re trying to make you as the you know not as the content creator but you as the person who’s actually looking at linkedin or whatever platform it is um they’re trying to make sure that you get the stuff that keeps you interested um and so it does you know it varies from platform to platform it varies all the time because they are constantly constantly changing the algorithm because they’re looking at what works and what

**Naomi Stonier**:
doesn’t well that feeds works and you know it’s a constantly evolving platform you know um you know

**Rob Osborne**:
because people make these sort of statements don’t they and what it’s based on yeah you know and so so for me it’s like what works for you so you’ve found a formula that works for you right and nobody’s gonna say it’s wrong because actually it works you know you’ve you’ve got a a capacity of services you can deliver and your processes you’ve you know you’ve experimented with all these different things and your processes are working right and they’re keeping your business topped up and that’s what digital marketing or any marketing is all about so you actually you know you’ve you’re working at this point but you’re not at the sweet spot of the moment i keep doing this it keeps

**Naomi Stonier**:
working all right that’s that’s what you need um and also it’s learning you know there is an art to selling on the internet you know i’m talking to people who’ve never met me and they are paying me thousands of pounds over the internet okay and so there is a trust element there and trust is built through my visibility and also me genuinely helping people so when and I’ve genuinely helped them enough for free they trust me to pay them and so this was also the why I did it organically because there’s no point paying for ads getting a load of info getting a load of leads in one they’re very cold and two have I got the ability to create enough trust and help this person understand how I’m going to help them for them to actually work with me so that was the you know again when I get to a certain stage I’ll be coming to you Rob and you’re going to be helping me with my ads but until then

**Rob Osborne**:
I’m at a good level to just convert it myself yeah steady at the steady pace yes yeah and the other challenge for you in some ways because of the kind of what what you do is you know you can always ask for testimonials but quite often you’re either going to get something that’s anonymous because somebody doesn’t want to sort of say yeah or you know you have to have a very very trusting client that’s willing to give you that because now it’s

**Naomi Stonier**:
difficult for them for people to kind of it’s very private I mean my testimonials are mainly

**Rob Osborne**:
anonymous do you think anonymous testimonials are still valuable oh absolutely you know and again because of the nature of what you do and how you know the sort of people that need your help I think they would you know most people would expect them to be anonymous because it is you know you have to be very um you know very confident in yourself that you’ve come out the other side to be able to go you know yeah you know I have marriage problems and I’ve been to a marriage counsellor and now and now it’s worked you know it’s great this work but do you know what

**Naomi Stonier**:
I mean so it’s quite you know I mean everything I’m doing on socials is inviting people into a

**Naomi Stonier**:
so usually that one hour conversation is enough for this person to think right she’s the right

**Rob Osborne**:
person for me or not yeah yeah and that’s the other good thing that you’re doing is you’re offering as you say a free consultation that gives them a chance to get to know you uh as well and I think that that again um is quite uh an important thing I’m a little bit conscious of time you know um and uh you know with the storm raging outside how long our internet connections will hold up as well um so a couple of things I should sort of I mentioned this before we sign up there’s a couple of things I like to ask everyone um and that’s to give a couple of good tips one is a piece of advice for people to do all the time because it’s good advice do this so what’s your do this piece

**Naomi Stonier**:
of advice for people doing digital marketing seek genuine connection yeah genuinely talk be a real human being and talk as you would in person

**Rob Osborne**:
in real life to people on social media yeah okay that’s a really good one and conversely what’s your tip for don’t do this it just doesn’t work um

**Naomi Stonier**:
yeah I mean again again in the complete reverse I really think it is if you are just going on with the agenda of making money you will probably fail you know it’s just like networking you know if you go into networking to have a genuine conversation and find out about someone you’re much more successful than you know is this person going to pay me

**Rob Osborne**:
yeah yeah absolutely and you’re absolutely right there that’s cool so if people want to get in contact with you because they might need your services or just interested in what you’re doing with digital marketing what’s the I mean I will share your links uh in the show notes and everything but what’s the best way for them to get in contact with you

**Naomi Stonier**:
if they want to they can email me at naomi at that’s p l u m o and of course I am on linkedin and facebook all day every day

**Rob Osborne**:
excellent well thank you so much for your time today naomi uh it’s been really interesting chatting with you uh and it’s really interesting we’re looking forward to not only what you’re doing now what you’re doing in the future with digital marketing so thank you ever so much

**Naomi Stonier**:
thank you so much for having me on

**Rob Osborne**:
thank you